The Best Time to Be in Business in Ontario
by Kevin D. Crone
Over seven years ago, I began the Monday Morning Mentor because we were experiencing a horrific, economic slow down. Everything was changing and everyone was trying to figure out what to do to survive, adjust, and start building the business again. I thought I could help by replaying the fundamentals that usually work, the ways to change, and the inspiration to get on with it.
Well, what has probably sunk in is that the pace of change is even more incredible than we thought. The very structure of business has changed.
For example:
- technological advances have changed the expectations of clients
- the internet has commoditized almost everything and has driven prices down and changed selling completely
- employees leave and expect a lot more than the old ways of management
- marketing messages just don’t cut it like they used to
- Companies have to literally reinvent how they impact their customer experience not just talk about it.
Manufacturing in Ontario has completely changed. Value-added and being client-centric, flexible and customized is more important than price per million. Ontario has become more about high priced knowledge workers who are their firms offering! Highly technical organizations that are usually inner-focused have to become client-centric in order to grow. I could go on and on.
Years ago, I promised to research, uncover the trends through workshops (hundreds and hundreds attended) and small group dialogues, and bring the information to you so you could use it to advance your business, team or career. I even gave away coaching to help, and found myself later doing a four month series with a small group of companies to implement it all. Then, over the past year and a half, I took six more corporate clients and did in-house projects with their teams to help them adjust and grow.
We always tried to connect the dots between what’s going on, what they need to do, how to do it and to cause momentum through some essential action with their team to get at it.
What have I learned from trying to help others? First, as Al Pacino said in the movie Scarface, “Are you talking to me?”
Well, it’s difficult to let any new research in even when data from the marketplace is clear, and sometimes can hit you in the face, let alone to allow yourself to examine your reality and see the truth about your own situation. It’s easier to blow it off. Get at it later. Be laid back and wait for things to slow down. After all, information is cheaply available and you’re busy. Those that take research seriously, read it a number of times, make notes on what occurs to them, take it personally, talk about it with others, have a greater chance of moving the business forward.
Second, “You can’t see yourself dance,” says Meti Bushi our recent, outside strategist currently working with us. “An outside objective coach can. Everyone believes that they’re dancing okay and having fun, but they may not be good at it. In business you can’t really see your behaviour and you must be very good.”
Information, as I said, is cheap. So is talk. Knowing it isn’t doing it, and doing it really well, like it has to be done today. It takes real effort and motivation to take the time to do a rethink of anything. Those who are busy with the questions rather than making opinions are far better off today. Those who get help, then plan and implement quickly, are immediately catching up to the marketplace. They are already motivated.
Finally, opportunities are here. We live in exciting times. So much will happen soon. Remember Jarvis, the living computer in Iron Man. This is about to be more than a movie. Those who keep up with the trends, connect the dots with their business and what’s possible will constantly adapt and innovate their offering, their operation and grab market share.
The pressures in the market are there. It has been tough out there. Are you going to respond, learn, create more value or refuse to acknowledge what’s going on?
I promise to condense and reveal more research over the next quarter on the pressures and trends in manufacturing, how innovation is a misunderstood word in Ontario for most businesses.
My son, Kevin Robert, will continue to reveal how talent management is a key to change and seizing opportunities. I’ll look at how the service industry is poised to go to the next level because it has doubled in size since 2008.
Are you ready?
Are you serious?
Have a great week!
Kevin D. Crone
Dale Carnegie Business Group
(905) 826-7300 / 1-800-361-2032
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Good News…
Dale Carnegie clients are being approved for the Ontario Job Grant
We are excited to let you know that your company might be eligible to apply for the Ontario Job Grant.
The Job Grant will:
- Provide direct financial support to individual employers who wish to purchase training for their employees
- Provide up to $10,000 in government support per person for training costs
- Require employers to contribute only one-third of the total costs
See if your company qualifies.
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