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Never Give Up

by Kevin D. Crone

June 15, 2015

Today I talked to a CEO that I coached a few years ago. Back then, he was struggling, in debt, selling acquisitions and losing staff. He was in a mess. When I first began to work with him and listened to his story, it was full of concepts and myths about what wasn’t possible, and what was, in his mind, wrong. After the painful debunking of these myths through questioning and dialogue, we eventually got to a picture of what he wanted as a business, an organization and what he was committed to personally.

Team Meeting In Creative OfficeHe began to understand that you can’t manage from the past and expect something different. You can create a better future. We created a clear picture of his current reality in relation to his desired future. We examined and engaged his market, his customers, and his employees. From what we learned, we mapped out the steps and actions required to move towards his desired vision so everyone could clearly see it. Then we got into action. We followed up with more coaching on his thinking and behaviours.

Since then, he has repeatedly taken a stand for his created future, caught himself when he was operating from old and reactive thinking and for the most part, kept moving forward. Over the years he kept implementing the required actions while always learning, adjusting and changing. His business grew dramatically. Now he has a new management team, is acquiring businesses again and his confidence has skyrocketed.

I asked him to share the lessons he learned. Here are some of them:

  1. It’s never too late to rebuild. Never give up.
  2. Few managers want to rethink anything. Getting a team to do it, even though we were failing, wasn’t easy. Fear and cynicism and a slight depression can rule. Don’t let it. Many people have their minds made up. Most don’t see, or seem to want to see, reality let alone a picture of the future. But we kept at it. Today we offer exciting and relevant services to our clients.
  3. Living for just today, the all consuming fire fighting from operations can steal your potential and block your ability to see opportunities. Catch yourself. Remember to execute today on behalf of your picture of the future. Remember, you’re organizing on behalf of what you’re becoming not just solving problems and getting through the day.
  4. Never release the tension. Once sales are strong again, go back and begin the re-think process again.

Wow – I remember those “tough-love” conversations with him, his customer and team meetings. It’s so good to see what he has achieved through the process.

The point: Never give up mentally. The issue is mental and that means you need to always rethink the business. If you never have the time to do what you describe is the very important but not urgent things to do, then you’re probably wrong. The business, team and future success must be created now and forever. It won’t succeed on its own. You better make time. Don’t get trapped into thinking limiting thoughts that come from those who have given up and don’t believe you can create and change anything.

I was with another fellow today who claims he has been too busy to act on his good thinking. He’s standing in the present but wishing for the future. Let’s see… one person is willing to look at himself and his business, recreate his future and is experiencing success, and the other never seems to get to it.

Which one are you?

Have a great week!

Kevin D. Crone
Dale Carnegie Business Group
(905) 826-7300 / 1-800-361-2032

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Good News…
Dale Carnegie clients are being approved for the Ontario Job Grant

We are excited to let you know that your company might be eligible to apply for the Ontario Job Grant.

The Job Grant will:

  • Provide direct financial support to individual employers who wish to purchase training for their employees
  • Provide up to $10,000 in government support per person for training costs
  • Require employers to contribute only one-third of the total costs

See if your company qualifies.

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